A quote, doing the rounds on Facebook recently, has been making me think. The author states that purporting a particular religious view and especially one that claims a personal God and a particular path, is the root of violence and the antithesis of love. The writer claims that to hold a religious viewpoint creates an ‘us and them’ mentality which leads to division, instead only ‘love’ should be pursued. It sounds quite noble, but isn’t the writer doing the same thing he accuses Christians, Jews and Muslims of? Is he not in fact saying, those who believe in a personal God are wrong – they are are narrow-minded, they must think like ‘ us ’, our view of love is broader and better! The fact is we disagree. We are not all saying the same thing. Christianity is not saying the same thing as Islam or Buddhism or Atheism or Humanism, or whatever belief or non-belief someone may espouse. There are many different views on life and death and destiny. However ...
My reflections on my life and my faith, and any random thing that takes my fancy. I love semi-colons, dashes and double spaces after full-stops - and I won't apologise. Find me on Instagram @Natalie_1971