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Showing posts from October, 2015

I am Mother

I am the dirty sock picker-up, the bottle washer, the taker of stones out of pockets, the kisser-better of sores. I am the lunch-box packer and the supper-server and the complaint-bearer; the driver-back of forgotten things. I am the tidier of cupboards and toys and dirty dishes. I am the homework-helper. I am the arbitrator, judge and jury of quarrels. I am the motivator after life's blows. I am the listener, the teacher, the shouter. I am tired. I am tireless. I am mother. Natalie Simmons 2010

Visiting a new church

This past Sunday I visited a new church. Again. This would be the 6 th church in as many years.  And I had practically given up hope of finding meaningful fellowship.  But this Sunday was a profound experience.  I was moved to the verge of tears throughout the service.  And I enjoyed being there.  And I didn’t feel critical or guilty or angry or annoyed once.  I don’t know when last I was in a church where I actually felt like singing or being there or actually looked forward to going again the next week. Here are some of the things that made it such an enjoyable and meaningful experience for me. 1.        When we arrived 10 minutes early for the service there was almost no-one there.  When I questioned the pastor, he said, “It is happening, everyone just comes late.” Why does this comfort me so? Perhaps because it acknowledges our human-ness.   Perhaps because when we arrived late at another church; ...